From our Chair of Governors
A warm welcome from the Governors at Birdham CE Primary School.
Our governing body is made up volunteers from the Local Authority, the Diocese of Chichester, parents, teachers and the local community. We are very fortunate to have a wide cross section of skills and experience that we bring together for the benefit of the school.
Our role is strategic, working in close partnership with the Head Teacher and staff to create and realise the vision for our school and promote continuous improvement in the schools performance. We support the leadership team to formulate an improvement plan, setting challenging but achievable targets and interpreting information to assess progress and to monitor appropriate action.
Linked to our improvement role, the Governing body is there to act as a critical friend providing a balance between supporting and challenging the performance of both the Head Teacher and the school.
As governors, we also ensure that:
- • Local and national government legislation and targets are met
- • Policies are monitored and followed
- • The school budget is spent wisely
- • The curriculum that meets the needs of all our children
And, most importantly, that our children and staff are all safe.
This is a challenging but most rewarding role.
It is my privilege, honour and pleasure to have become the chairperson and I acknowledge and sincerely thank the hard work of my two predecessors, Sally Lillywhite and Jim Mould as their diligent work along with the rest of the governing body supported the school towards it's latest GOOD Ofsted rating. One of our advisers can be quoted as saying " the Ofsted report is one of the best I have ever seen".
Should you require any further information about the work of the Governing Body, wish to provide feedback or are interested in becoming a Governor should a vacancy arise then please contact us through or via the school office
Chris Watson
Governor Attendance during academic year 2023/24
Governance attendance is updated annually each September, for the previous full academic year.
Click here to access the DfE school’s financial benchmarking service.
It is a requirement for all schools to declare if any staff earn over £100,000...
We confirm that there are no staff who earn over £100,000 (As if, I mean, come on, really? Not even close!)
The Governors
Governors (ID 1068)
Mr Mark McCaddenHeadteacher
Mr Mark McCadden
"Interested in mathematics, anything technical, and golf.
I am on all committees"Date of current Appointment or Election: 01.09.12
Committee membership: All Committees
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest: None
Mr Chris WatsonChair of Governors
Mr Chris Watson
"A former teacher, I have over 20 years of governance experience in another school"
Date of current Appointment or Election: 23.5.2019
Term of office: 4 years
Committee membership: All
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest: None
Remarks: Appointed Vice-Chair 01.10.20, Appointed Chair 01.09.22
Mrs Gabbie CarterParent Governor
Mrs Gabbie Carter
Date of current Appointment or Election:
Committee membership
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest:
Mr Jonathan FarnellFoundation Governor
Mr Jonathan Farnell
"With school age children and married to a teacher I am super interested in education and enjoy contributing to the success of the school. You are most likely to find me out riding my bicycle and always happy to talk bikes!"
Date of current Appointment or Election: 21.01.21
Term of office: 4 Years
Committee membership: Resource and Ethos
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest: None
Ms Cat NewmanStaff Governor
Ms Cat Newman
Date of current Appointment or Election: 05.10.2022
Term of office:4 years
Committee membership: Quality of Education, Leadership and Management
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest: None
Mr Daniel PenfoldParent Governor
Mr Daniel Penfold
I live in Birdham with my wife and our three young children. I am a marine engineer by profession and also volunteer as a Trustee and Treasurer for the Birdham Pre-school Management Committee.
Date of current Appointment or Election: 15.11.2021
Term of office: 4 years
Committee membership: Resource and Ethos
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest: None
Mr Haydn TarrParent Governor
Mr Haydn Tarr
Date of current Appointment or Election: 14.11.24
Term of office: 4 years
Committee membership: T.B.A
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest or other roles in education: None
Miss Liz WatsonClerk
Miss Liz Watson
Miss Watson is the daughter of Mr Chris Watson (Chair)
Governor Committees 2023-24
Governors who have retired within the last year ...
Governors who have retired within the last year.. (ID 1069)
Mrs Charlotte ReedCo-Opted Governor
Mrs Charlotte Reed
Date of current Appointment or Election: 09.02.18
Term of office: 4 years
Committee membership: Quality of Education, Leadership and Management
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest or other roles in education: None
Remarks: Re-appointed 09.02.18, Teacher at Bosmere Junior School
Mr David RigglesfordCo-Opted Governor
Mr David Rigglesford
Date of current Appointment or Election: 24.03.22
Term of office: 4 years
Committee membership: Resource and Ethos
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest or other roles in education: None
Rev Jonathan SwindellsFoundation
Rev Jonathan Swindells
"My wife says I'm only ever on time for two things - God and golf. It's good to know what really matters!
I'm also on the Premises Committee"Date of current Appointment or Election: 01.09.12
Term of office: n/a
Committee membership: Quality of Education, Leadership and Management
Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest or other roles in education: None
Remarks: ex officio at West Wittering Primary